


Governments at all levels (federal, state, and local) use PKI and Digital Signatures to securely exchange information and documents with other governments, businesses, and citizens. This includes secure communication between agencies, secure voting systems, and secure digital identity verification for citizens.


Financial institutions use PKI and Digital Signatures to secure online transactions, verify the identity of users, and protect sensitive financial data. This includes online banking, credit card transactions, and electronic fund transfers.


Enterprises use PKI and Digital Signatures to secure their internal communication and to verify the identity of external parties. This includes secure email communication, secure VPN access, and secure file sharing.


The healthcare industry uses PKI and Digital Signatures to secure patient information, such as medical records and prescriptions. This helps to protect patient privacy and ensure that sensitive information is only accessed by authorized parties.


The Internet of Things (IoT) industry uses PKI and Digital Signatures to secure device communication and data exchange. This includes secure device-to-device communication, secure data storage, and secure firmware updates.


The manufacturing industry uses PKI and Digital Signatures to secure their supply chain and protect their intellectual property. This includes secure communication with suppliers, secure data storage, and secure access control for employees.